Need a plan?
Do you have an idea for something you want to achieve but are pretty clueless on how to get there?
Sounds like you need a breakthrough session!
In one Breakthrough Session, we will:
Look at your deep why for this goal (important on those dark days when you need to dig deep for that motivation).
Take your overall goal, give it a realistic time frame and break it down into stepping-stone goals. You couldn't climb to the top of a ladder with only one rung. We will put the extra rungs in the ladder for you to get you to the top.
Look at what your obstacles are and ways to get around them when they crop up.
Find the options available to move you forward.
Work out how you can stay accountable in achieving your goal.
After your Breakthrough Session, you will feel:
Relieved to know that it's all possible.
Prepared to tackle the things holding you back.
Motivated to get started.
Excited that you finally have the game plan you need to begin!
Usually, these sessions take about 1 hour, but I like to put 1 and a half hours aside just in case we really get into some detail.​